len young
Choral MusiC

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Feel free to download, copy and use scores but please keep us informed of any performances.
If you feel able, please make a donation to allow further recordings to be made.
For further information, or to order scores please email: lenyoungmu@aol.com
Len Young studied at the Royal College of Music in London. He then taught in
London and Newcastle for fourteen years before spending ten years as Adviser
for Music with Newcastle Education Authority. He resumed teaching as Head of
Music, and later Assistant Head (Performing Arts College), at Queen Elizabeth
High School from 1995 to 2008. He has encouraged people of all ages to
participate in vocal work in a wide range of styles, starting singing events with
over 2000 children in Newcastle City Hall.
He was conductor of Newcastle Choral Society from 1976 to 2007 and has also
conducted Newcastle City Chorus and Felling Male Voice Choir. He started the
North East Last Night of the Proms with George and Rosalynde Walker which
raised £1m for NEPAC during his 17 years as conductor.
His many compositions include a musical Mine, numerous Christmas carols,
Blackfriars, The Seafarer, a Requiem, Earth Song, Glimpses of Grainger Town,
Spes Durat Avorum, Hexham Abbey Ground for organ and audience
participation, and a full length musical Odysseus (libretto by Tony Webster)
written for QEHS Youth Theatre. The Sing Together Choir gave the first
performances of Today (text by David Pattinson) and A Day in Spring. In 2020
he composed Reflections, ten pieces for choir and piano to anonymous texts,
which has yet to be performed. He has recently completed three Shakespeare
Songs written for the 10th anniversary of Voices of Hope, Jubilate Deo for the
Morning Chorus Choir and Spring Has Come for Js and Bs Singers.
Len has accompanied numerous singers and instrumentalists in a wide variety of
repertoire. More recently he has been fortunate to work with the inspirational
Simon Davies-Fidler on recording his carol compositions with the outstanding
St James Consort. He also works with Simon as accompanist for Js and Bs Singers,
the Morning Chorus and, when required, the Fenham Ensemble. Other freelance work
includes composing, arranging and orchestrating music and occasional work with
Voices of Hope and Hexham Orpheus choir.
Last Night of the Proms with Newcastle Choral Society

African Sanctus at the Metro Centre